Critter Camp Exotic Pet sanctuary

Critter Camp Exotic Pet sanctuary

German Valley, IL 61039
United States

About Shelter

Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary provides a healthy, happy, loving ,safe home to unadoptable small and unusual pets other than cats & dogs, we also do not accept wildlife or farm animals. In our 20+ years of operation we have saved over 4,500 lives! Critter Camp is All volunteer, 501c3, USDA and IL Dept of Ag and IL DNR licensed, fully insured and inspected , only accepting our unique niche of needy pets. The animals are unadoptable due to old age, fearfulness from abuse, aggression, chronic illness etc. We occasionally have adoptables when we take in pregnant animals. Many of the animals here came from shelters where they were going to be euthanized, some from loving owners who got in over their heads, some from law enforcement confiscated in abuse or hoarding cases. Most of the hundreds of Animal Welfare funding options do not accept requests from exotic pet rescues or sanctuaries, so we rely on caring individuals to support the animals. Please visit our website and our facebook page And thank you for supporting our rescue!
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